



  • 希伯来语

    In the 3rd grade, we continue our progress with the Tal Am program. As the class who learns “with success”, our goals include:
    • 通过阅读为期两年的课程,提高阅读理解能力和写作能力
      • First, how to learn with success, based on seven steps to gain study skills
      • 第二个, how to successfully know our friends and ourselves - our appearances, 爱好, 利益, 以及我们如何学习
    • 通过唱歌、小组合作和演讲提高对话和听力技能
    • Continued progress with topics of 语法, using supplemental workbooks, 包括根, 现在时态, 不定式, and improving sentence construction
  • 犹太人的研究

    在三年级,Chumash继续学习Parshiyot Chayei Sarah, Toldot和Vayetzei.

    学生们努力加深对文本的理解,因为Rashi的评论被引入到他们的丘马什研究中. Third graders learn to work in partners (chavrutas), reading and translating psukim as well as generating questions on the text, as a way to begin “thinking like Rashi”. 像拉希一样思考可以让学生预测他的问题,并创造出一种真实的拉希学习体验,学生们渴望找到问题的答案. Students learn to read Rashi script and then, as they begin to anticipate his questions, learn his commentary inside. 丘马什讨论要求学生批判性地思考文本,并用文本证据支持他们的主张. 三年级学生被鼓励在学习评论之前讨论自己的想法和回答同学的问题.

    每周, 累积的短诗测验使三年级学生成为短诗专家,能够解决任何出现在他们面前的短诗!

    Parsha is discussed briefly during morning meetings on Mondays and Thursdays, the days of the week during which the Torah portion is read in Shul. Parsha学习的高潮是每周一次的小品,学生们在课堂上表演,并带回家与家人分享.

    Third graders also learn Yediot Klaliot, or other general Jewish knowledge. 我们在Chayenu练习册和歌曲的帮助下学习,这些歌曲可以帮助我们记住希伯来语一年中的几个月等信息, 12 shvatim, Parshiyot in the Torah, 等.


    三年级最重要的方面之一是主要通过晨会培养的课堂社区. 早会在每堂课的犹太研究课开始时举行,这是一个致力于社区建设的时间, 社会技能, and even reinforce some academic skills that are being worked on in class. 在这段时间里,学生们学会了尊重听众和小组讨论的参与者.
  • 语言艺术

    As the children emerge as readers from 2级, strategies for Reading to Learn become foremost in 三年级. Students learn to infer, 建立联系, and draw conclusions in order to become more proficient and critical readers. We facilitate the growth of a balanced reading program by:
    • 大声朗读- We read to children to entertain, to inform, to arouse curiosity and to inspire.
    • 指导阅读-我们指导和支持学生识别和应用主要welcome皇冠旧版等文学策略, 因果关系, 测序, 做预测, 预示, and Drawing Conclusions.
    • 文学研究-我们与学生就一本书进行深入讨论,旨在培养批判性思维. 这是一个让学生分享他们的问题、见解和对给定文本的回应的机会.
    Children read from a wide genre of books: Fiction, 非小说类, 传记, 神秘, and Realistic Fiction.

    Writing is not just one skill but rather a group of skills that includes sequencing, 拼写, 语法, 词汇表, 重读, and supporting ideas with examples. 明确的指导是确保有效写作技巧发展的必要条件. In 三年级, students write across the curriculum. Children learn to write by being actively involved in the process. Students plan, draft, revise, edit and publish their own work in a variety of forms. 教师在整个过程中指导学生,并通过课程和会议提供支持.

    Some of the types of writing in 三年级 are:
    • 有说服力的写作
    • 叙事写作
    • 说明性写作
    • 书信写作
    • 诗歌
    • 时间线
    • 读书报告
  • 数学

    三年级的学生根据他们的能力水平分组教授数学, allowing us to meet the individual needs of every child. We use a hands on approach to make the abstract units more concrete. 孩子们积极参与所有课程,使用各种各样的材料.
    The units of study are:
    • 估计
    • Numbers and place value to 10,000
    • Multiplication and division facts to 10
    • Multiplication and its relationship to division
    • 概率
    • 减法审查
    • Time
    • 整体的部分
    • Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators
    • Geometry- line segments, angles, symmetry, perimeter, area
    • Adding and subtracting decimals
    • 图形数据
  • 体育课

    威彻斯特走读学校致力于提供高质量的体育课程,这是核心课程的重要组成部分,在学校的整体教育理念中应该得到同等的重视. 几项科学研究一致认为,日常体育活动可以改善认知功能, achievement performance in the classroom, 心理健康, 信心, 自尊, the total improved physical health and fitness of the individual, and makes happier and healthier kids. 考虑到这一点,低年级(1-5年级)的学生每周有4节体育课(每节30分钟)。.
  • 科学

    Third grade science focuses on ecosystems. Students learn about plant and animal adaptations and how geography affects climate. Students make use of the WDS property for wetland study and food webs. Third graders also study space through a variety of methods, 包括 the creation of scale models of the solar system.

    Units of study include:
    沙漠星星 & 星座
  • 社会研究

    三年级 社会研究 focuses on communities. We journey to the Rain Forests, 极地的土地, 沙漠s, Marshlands and Outer 空间. 我们的社会研究和科学单元每周都在科学实验室进行实验. The children study the culture of each different community, 环境, 经济, 传统, 教育, 娱乐, 运输, plant and animal life, 和地理. With the support of technology in the classroom, 包括, ipad, computers and smart boards, children are able to gather information to do guided research projects.




威彻斯特走读学校是一所现代正统,男女同校,双课程,幼儿到8岁th 这是一所犹太学校,以他们自己的方式激励和教育我们的学生重视人性, 一下, and lifelong learning.